
x86 address/operand 16/32 bit setting

daehee87 2013. 1. 23. 17:33

17.1.1 Default Segment Attribute

For programs executed in protected mode, the D-bit in executable-segment descriptors determines the default attribute for both address size and operand size. These default attributes apply to the execution of all instructions in the segment. A value of zero in the D-bit sets the default address size and operand size to 16 bits; a value of one, to 32 bits.

Programs that execute in real mode or virtual-8086 mode have 16-bit addresses and operands by default.

17.1.2 Operand-Size and Address-Size Instruction Prefixes

The internal encoding of an instruction can include two byte-long prefixes: the address-size prefix, 67H, and the operand-size prefix, 66H. (A later section, "Instruction Format," shows the position of the prefixes in an instruction's encoding.) These prefixes override the default segment attributes for the instruction that follows. Table 17-1 shows the effect of each possible combination of defaults and overrides.

17.1.3 Address-Size Attribute for Stack

Instructions that use the stack implicitly (for example: POP EAX also have a stack address-size attribute of either 16 or 32 bits. Instructions with a stack address-size attribute of 16 use the 16-bit SP stack pointer register; instructions with a stack address-size attribute of 32 bits use the 32-bit ESP register to form the address of the top of the stack.

The stack address-size attribute is controlled by the B-bit of the data-segment descriptor in the SS register. A value of zero in the B-bit selects a stack address-size attribute of 16; a value of one selects a stack address-size attribute of 32.